I think God’s glory and grace are like a blooming tree in spring.
There’s a tree that’s the source of the palest pink petals, and of otherworldly scent, and everyone knows where all of it’s coming from. But then the petals fly away into the wind, fall to the ground, and cover sidewalks and cars, so that everything else looks like it might be growing those petals too. Everything else looks just a little bit similar to the tree because the petals cover them.
And I think we’re like the covered things. We get to share in God’s grace in this life – we breathe, we love, we give, because of this grace. And we get to share in God’s glory in this life – He made us in His image, and gave us some of His characteristics – passion, creativity, a sense of justice, anger, affection, joy. So sometimes, someone might look at you and think you resemble God, but it’s just because He’s put some of His grace and glory on you and into you.
Without those petals, you’d just be the sidewalk or the grass, and then nobody could mistake you for a cherry tree. Without the petals, I don’t think we actually be breathing right now.
What a sweet gift, to be clothed in grace, to resemble Christ in our lives, so we can show people the source of all this glory. It doesn’t come from or end with us. There’s a tree, from which comes all our life and hope.
Today I found my car sprinkled heavily with these little pink kisses, and when I opened the door, some flew inside, and when I drove, I could see them in the mirror, wafting off behind me to grace other drivers with whimsy and beauty. I smiled; I couldn’t help it. And maybe I could be a little like that – floating lightly through life to give others a glimpse, a bit of grace on the wind.
You have always been a petal in my life!