Also known as my favourite time of any day anywhere ever for all time.
[play this while you read]
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Praise God from whom all blessings flow …
I’m traveling north. How I wish I weren’t driving and could enjoy a view for a moment or an hour. The slanting sunlight warms the hills so that greens are impossibly greener. The rays even warm the sky and make it creamy blue. The light warms the air and makes it shimmer.
Here we are, an anxious muddle of transportation, on a lucky road blessed to reside among the hills and trees and sweeping vistas. Mountains to the west, and beyond them, an ocean.
Praise Him all creatures here below …
And the air, that perfect autumn air that makes you want to fall asleep and run with abandon all at the same time. The smell is peace itself.
So I gaze hungrily, reverently, while this simple hymn sends sweet melodies and truth through me and out the open windows.
This kind of beauty is heartbreaking to me. If only manmade things weren’t interfering. But I would never have seen it otherwise, so I must be grateful.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host …
And look – birds. Flight adorning the glimmering atmosphere. Cars go up and down hills, left and right along the curves, but never can they rival the glorious paths of the birds.
It’s an enchanted evening I’ve stumbled upon, and I wonder whether anyone else sees it with me. Please, see it.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
I try to breathe in everything before me and beyond me. And the sun slips away more, and buildings begin to appear. Then over hills back into the dusky land of low clouds and red bridges.
Amen, amen.
[This song is ‘Doxology’ by the group My Epic.]